Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Views on Casey Anthony

Wow, everyone has an opinion about this Casey thing, and I am no exception. She really needs her butt kicked for this "I'm an abuse victim" farce because she makes those who are true victims want to upchuck. There is not just this issue about her murdering and/or letting her child whatever means. It is her party hardy assitude...attitude. (spelling error very intentional here)

Then there is just something in me watching her squall and bawl and carry on when she KNOWS she has an audience in the jury and then bat her eyelashes and smile and look coy when they are not in the court room. I literally want to just reach inside the TV and do a bugs bunny face slap a few times.

If those juriors don't find her quilty they are going to look like complete Jacka**es after the trial when they see how she played them. You tell when Caseys lying because her mouth is moving is totally true. That soul-less psychopath. She will look you straight in the eye and lie like the devil himself and never feel any shame, regret, remorse, and any other emotion.

She has hit a lot of peoples nerves. Probably because she reflects the worst of society. I hope she gets life in prison without parole. Then I hope she meets someone exactly like her. I can think of no one who deserves to be beaten at their own game more. LOL.

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